Be As You Are

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Total Shock and Awe....

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Rich and I did Christmas this evening since he has to work in the morning and we didn't want to wait until late at night on Christmas to exchange gifts. My first gift was a hope chest. Of course, I cried... I know it's silly but I always wanted to have a traditional engagement, and it doesn't get more traditional then a promise ring (2003) and a hope chest (pictured below). See, sometimes he listens. :)

He had it built and stained and it has a Cedar bottom and it's gorgeous and really big!! (Now we need a place to put it!) I had no idea he was thinking of giving me one, and it made me cry, of course.... it was total shock and awe.

He also gave me a beautiful diamond necklace - it's got one diamond, then four in a channel setting, then another diamond, four more in a channel setting and then another diamond. The three stand alone diamonds get progressively bigger and the back is engraved with "past, present, future". It really is gorgeous and it took my breath away.

The other gift he gave me (he really is an awesome gift giver - always above and beyond!) was a really pretty Citizen's Eco Drive watch which has Swarovzki (spelling?) Crystals on the band and face of the watch. The face it a pretty pearly purple and it's absolutely gorgeous.... I can't tell you how amazed I was.

I gave him a watch case (basically a jewelry box, but set up to hold watches) , a cedar closet organizer, a day by day calendar of Bush-isms, a tie rack, a belt rack, a Playstation game, a Season of the Simpsons and an IOU on a watch since I couldn't pick on out that I was sure he'd like since he is tough to buy for and I couldn't be certain that the one I liked he would want...

So that is the start of the gift giving. I can't believe that everything I bought I paid for with cash. Not ONE credit card, which was nice. The other nice thing was that my siblings and I did a grab and it not only made it easier to shop for one person but also less expensive. So, I have no money until the end of the month when I get paid, but at least I don't have any additional debt for the collectors to annoy me with!

I didn't get to all the baking I wanted, and I burnt the crap out of most of the caramel and chocolate covered popcorn I made, so that is out the window, but I will bake for all the people I am going to see on New Years to get that out of my system!

Anyways, it's almost 2am and I didn't finish my wrapping, so good night and sleep tight! I hope Santa is good to you all!

Love you!


  • At 11:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Merry Christmas Maggie! Congratulations on the hope chest. I always wanted one of those. That is awesome!

  • At 10:03 PM, Blogger Mo said…


    Totally jealous-it's beautiful! I can't wait to see it in person...if I can drack my "brokeback mo" arse there anytime in the near future!!

    Miss you-Merry Christmas!

  • At 9:08 AM, Blogger JoviFan said…

    Maggie, Nancy (Mo's cousin) here. I just noticed your comment on my "Yankee Swap" blog. Thanks for visiting, and saying my blog is hilarious. I've just browsed through your blog and I can see why you and Mo are such good friends. You, like Mo, are hilarious. Anyway, your gifts sound (look, as in the case with the hopechest) beautiful. I'm glad you had a great Christmas. As for burning the majority of your caramel corn, I can sympathize. I haven't burned any caramel corn lately, but I have had to set my fair share of cookies out to pasture. I have a strange, very old oven and it is tough to regulate the temperature. I am relegated to cooking soy jalapeno poppers in there as they hardly require any real temperature-control skill. Also, you can get away with a few degrees above or below in cooking, but in baking, you have to be dead on! I'm sure you're glad that the caramel corn has overtaken the hope chest in terms of how I've prioritized the items discussed in this particulare entry. If you feel self-conscious about people coming over during the holidays and seeing all that burnt caramel corn in the trash can, you could always avoid that potential embarrassment by hiding it in the hope chest! Ha ha. Just joking. It is really beautiful and I'm happy for you!


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