Be As You Are

Monday, December 05, 2005

You Can't Sell Stupid, But I Certainly Tried Today

Since I was 14 I have had a good many jobs - not to mention all the child labor laws I broke working with my mom at her office when I was underage. :)

I worked at SOS Plumbing and Heating one summer. That was a trip. My dad worked there and it was a small shop, I think we got 40 calls all summer. Seriously - it was such an easy summer job.

Then I worked at Sears selling jewelry to some of the world's worst boyfriends who really needed a lot more than an Emerald necklace from Sears to get out of the dog house. I worked there over a year.

I worked at Trethewey Brothers answering telephones and getting yelled at when your toilet was overflowing and I couldn't teleport someone to fix it immediately. I was there two years before I left, and then a week later my boss had open heart surgery, and I went back on weekends to help out.

While I was there I also worked at Brannelly's Pub serving dinner and drinks to clientele older than most of our grandparents (ok, maybe not that old, but when you are 18 working in a pub and getting hit on by men your father's age (no lie) it's pretty gross).

Then I worked at BU as a Sr. Staff Coordinator (read: glorified secretary, but it was a good job for a little over 2 years).

All the while waitressing at West Roxbury Pub (again, what is up with the getting hit on...). Then I hurt my hand (when am I not hurt?) and that was the end of waitressing, which really was a blessing in disguise because it gave me more time for friends, family and dating. :)

And then back to Trethewey Brothers full time to serve faithfully as "Inside Sales Coordinator" (read: punching bag for the same asshole douchebag who's toilet overflowed that wants a new heating system 2 months into the dead of Winter).

Then on a leap of faith, to grow up a little I suppose; I went to work for Shawmut - a General Contractor in Boston. The office was beautiful, the job was supposed to be it for me. But the pay sucked, my boss was slighty bipolar (seriously) and the bill collectors started calling. And that was the end of that. 5 months later, another new job.

So, these days I am essentially, well; I am a telemarketer (GASP). I work with my cousin Gerard and his wife, Janine; as well as my other cousin's girlfriend, Kathryn. Together, we sell mortgages. Well, I just call to get the information and Janine sells the mortgages and Kathryn processes all the paperwork with Janine. So, yeah, I call you when you don't want to talk and try my hardest to sell you on refinance your mortgage when you probably don't want to. It's actually extremly hard work, its challenging in a "think on your feet" kind of way, and believe it or not, it's very tiring. I dialed 271 phone numbers today and only got 2 applications (which is still really good believe it or not) but last week I dialed 177 numbers and got 5 applications - on a Monday. It's a cruel, cruel world, with no rhyme or reason. :(

For example: I actually talked to someone the other night who was about to have her home foreclosed on. She gave me all her information and Janine called her all excited that she got her a good rate and a great loan option saving her $150 a month, consolodating all her debt and getting her a clean slate with a new lender and SHE HAS TO THINK ABOUT IT! Are you for real??? YOU ARE GOING TO LOSE YOUR HOUSE! Then she called back to say she is not going with the loan since she still can't afford the payments. Which, ok; makes sense, but what doesn't make any sense is that she tells Janine that instead of selling the house before it goes into foreclosure she is just going to let the bank take it. ARE YOU KIDDING? What is up with that?!?!?

What it all comes down to is that I am learning that like I said in the title - you can't sell stupid, but I certainly am trying!!

P.S. I didn't always call you during dinner. And although I like it, my previous track record is dictating that, alas - I won't do it forever.


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