Red and Green Rant!!!
Things that I hate (all pertinent to my life in the last 5 days)
I still hate not having any money at Christmas....
I hate not waking up in time to get Dunkin' Donuts on my way to work.... without coffee I am a miserable bitch. (Yes, more so than normal.)
I hate when people call you out of the blue that you haven't spoken to in a long, long time and act like you are still best friends - especially when you were friends in, like, 4th grade and since then you barely speak but at the occasional reunion/function (our parents are still close friends) and you really aren't on the same page any more.... if you ever were.....
I hate when you are in line at the grocery store with a thousand things and the one thing you went in to get (in this case popcorn for the chocolate and caramel covered popcorn I am making as gifts since I am broke) is not on the little annoying conveyor belt and there are people behind you so you have to make the decision that either it's not meant to be that night or go back around and stand in line again.... Which I did - for 10 minutes in the express aisle with ONE item, since someone's coupon had expired and they didn't understand why they couldn't still use it! And double it to boot!
There are a lot more things that I can't stand, but I have to be honest - I just can't blog about them all since it would take me a week to rant in the post. But you get the picture. I can't take stupidity. Really, we are supposed to be a semi-educated society. Where are manners? Where is the etiquette? Where is "thank you, have a nice day" in the check out line???? You can be miserable all you want, but when you are at work, try to have a little cheer. Maybe a smile is too much to ask, but in the words of my mother "fake it 'til you make it" for goodness sake!
I just can't take the insanity of the world we live in... I saw someone swearing at the woman ringing the bell for Salvation Army since her grocery cart couldn't get by the tripod thing holding the kettle - I mean I know it could, other people's did - mine did! Ok, so it wasn't with the greatest of ease, and yes, it was kind of a pain in the ass where the woman was standing, but she had to be visible to both the people going in and the people going out. Give the lady a break, I mean really! It was 12 degrees outside and she's "thank you very much-ing" and "God Bless-ing" all the while with a bell in her hand (probably frozen to her glove) and a smile on her face. And we, as a society, can't be bothered giving.... that doesn't mean we shouldn't at least be nice when we don't want to give!!! I mean really, if your cart can't get by (there really was enough room, mine made it through) then you have issues - like a broken wheel or just a huge attitude! But there is no need to swear at the kettle attendant!
And that, folks is all I have to say today.
More later, I am sure - I have to venture out into the stores tonight! AHHHHHH!
I still hate not having any money at Christmas....
I hate not waking up in time to get Dunkin' Donuts on my way to work.... without coffee I am a miserable bitch. (Yes, more so than normal.)
I hate when people call you out of the blue that you haven't spoken to in a long, long time and act like you are still best friends - especially when you were friends in, like, 4th grade and since then you barely speak but at the occasional reunion/function (our parents are still close friends) and you really aren't on the same page any more.... if you ever were.....
I hate when you are in line at the grocery store with a thousand things and the one thing you went in to get (in this case popcorn for the chocolate and caramel covered popcorn I am making as gifts since I am broke) is not on the little annoying conveyor belt and there are people behind you so you have to make the decision that either it's not meant to be that night or go back around and stand in line again.... Which I did - for 10 minutes in the express aisle with ONE item, since someone's coupon had expired and they didn't understand why they couldn't still use it! And double it to boot!
There are a lot more things that I can't stand, but I have to be honest - I just can't blog about them all since it would take me a week to rant in the post. But you get the picture. I can't take stupidity. Really, we are supposed to be a semi-educated society. Where are manners? Where is the etiquette? Where is "thank you, have a nice day" in the check out line???? You can be miserable all you want, but when you are at work, try to have a little cheer. Maybe a smile is too much to ask, but in the words of my mother "fake it 'til you make it" for goodness sake!
I just can't take the insanity of the world we live in... I saw someone swearing at the woman ringing the bell for Salvation Army since her grocery cart couldn't get by the tripod thing holding the kettle - I mean I know it could, other people's did - mine did! Ok, so it wasn't with the greatest of ease, and yes, it was kind of a pain in the ass where the woman was standing, but she had to be visible to both the people going in and the people going out. Give the lady a break, I mean really! It was 12 degrees outside and she's "thank you very much-ing" and "God Bless-ing" all the while with a bell in her hand (probably frozen to her glove) and a smile on her face. And we, as a society, can't be bothered giving.... that doesn't mean we shouldn't at least be nice when we don't want to give!!! I mean really, if your cart can't get by (there really was enough room, mine made it through) then you have issues - like a broken wheel or just a huge attitude! But there is no need to swear at the kettle attendant!
And that, folks is all I have to say today.
More later, I am sure - I have to venture out into the stores tonight! AHHHHHH!
At 10:24 AM,
BenSpark said…
Ah the supermarket, I am w wiz in there but it is also a great source of much frustration. The lack of class and manners is astounding. Maggie, I promise if you add my blog to your list of blogs I will say thank you. I've read all your posts. Welcome to the blogging world. Have a MErry Christmas too.
At 10:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am relieved that I am not the only one who feels this way right now. I was in line the other day at the grocery store and waiting 40 minutes, when it was finally my turn. No word of a lie, this woman probably in her mid forties, with no teeth, fried hair and a tummy shirt gets infront of me and says, well since no one is waiting. WHAT!!!! And you know me, I just let her do it. I guess if she didnt have two amazon daughters I may have layed into her. I was rip roaring mad. Then she had the oddasidy(sp?) to pick up each one of her 40 items and reanalyze them. I felt like throwing something at her. It was finally my turn to be checked out, and the I thought phew, off to my car! I was wheeling away when some cheap kid who was probably 9, comes barreling right at my cart like a mental case. I couldnt control myself and screamed "You're gonna get hit, act your age!" He probably didn't even understand me, as Spanish is the most common language spoken at this store. Even the over head Spanish! Don't even get me started on this one. Tis the season to be jolly, Peace on earth and good will to men. It's a little hard to spread the joy when everyone is so rude!!!!!
At 10:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
PS I started my own blog as well, if you would like to hear my rants.
At 9:22 AM,
JoviFan said…
Oh, the store lines are the worst! I was in Star Market in Cambridge a while back. I should mention now that just by virtue of the fact that I am telling you that this took place in Cambridge, you can assume the worst. People in Cambridge are all so, so, so ENTITLED! They strut in there with their wool socks and birks, their huge backpacks, the neon bike cuff on their pants, and the bike helmet (which they've worn through their 2 hour grocery shopping spree in the soy aisle.) I had a shopping cart with 10 or 12 things in it. Not a huge order, by any stretch of the imagination. This typical Cambridge guy walked up to me and asked me if he could just "SNEAK" in front of me. (See my most recent blog in my hatred of people requesting to SNEAK they think they're cute?) Since he only had one box of ToFurkey from the health food section of the store, I didn't see the harm. I said, "Sure, go right ahead" and backed away to let him go before me in the line. I was naturally flabbergasted when this woman came up, edged me out of the line with her chock-full shopping cart, and joined Mr. ToFurkey in line!!! She was with him, and he had the nerve to represent himself as a lone ToFurkey buyer when in fact, his wife/girlfriend/whatever had a whole 6 week order spilling over the top of a jumbo cart! I'm telling you, what is up with these people? I was totally shocked. It goes back, Maggie, to your question of "Where the hell are the manners?"
Yesterday, my sister, Lauren, and I, took her two kids out to Target. The older girl, Al, and I went to sit and have a drink at the snack stand. Lauren said Caroline, the baby, needed a bottle and she wanted to feed her before getting into the car. Al and I took off to find a seat, leaving Lauren to finish making her purchase at the register. When Lauren came to the snack bar to meet Al and me, she was furious. Apparently some jackass, who was trying to cut through the register area without making a purchase (Target is a huge store, with plenty of exit space to the sides of the registers, so why this be-otch felt the need to cut through an existing register line is beyond me.). Lauren didn't care that the woman had to coat her body in a thin layer of crisco oil in order to get by, but she did absolutely mind that the woman, upon encountering Lauren's shopping cart, CONTAINING 5 MONTH OLD CAROLINE, pushed the cart several feet ahead in order to get by. Lauren said she went off on the woman. And why wouldn't she? This jerk pushed a carriagae with a baby in it away from the mother. And Caroline was in the middle of a full nuclear meltdown, so there was no way the woman could say she didn't know a baby was in there. Idiots!!! What has this society come to?
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