Notice To Bill Collectors
You all SUCK!
I am not a scumbag, I just don't have any money. Your threats of collection agencies do not scare me; I have been there before. I know I am in over my head, and I would love to pay you. I would also love to buy new jeans, but that is another story for another time. I don't understand how you can charge me $29 a month for being late and another $29 for being over limit and expect me to catch up. You should be ashamed of yourself. I hope you realize that if I had it, I would give it to you.
If you look at my debt to income ratio, it is so small. I owe less money than you think. But if you factor in the fact that I took a $10,000 pay cut to take a SHITTY job to "grow up" and "experience the real world" and basically made NO money in the last 6 months, then you can see why I am hurting... But, like I wanted I did grow up (in the sense that I am going gray; yes - I found another one this week, that is 6 since Sunday... it's only TUESDAY, people!) and I am experiencing the real world - and guess what? Being a grown up in the real world is only cool if you have MONEY!
I am so broke, it hurts. Like seriously, it hurts to look at the zero balance in my savings account and know that not even 2 months ago there was money in there. Why, oh why; please tell me WHY, did I ever think that I could take a pay cut over the summer after buying a brand new car? I swear, I wasn't on drugs. Don't touch 'em. Never will.
Now I feel like I need a prozac. For 16 months I had not one bounced check, not one late payment and now?? Now I feel like my checking account is sponsored by RubberMaid and I am later than a pregnant woman's period. It's infuriating, it's annoying and it's really embarrassing!!!
But, you know; it happens. To the best of us. I have the best intentions. I want to pay you. But if you call me and threaten me with collections ONE MORE TIME, I might go postal. Seriously. How do you people sleep at night?!
Luckily, I get my first commission check in January (just far enough away that I am officially not doing anything for Christmas; sorry kiddos) and I will be able to get some things current. And I promise that I will pay the nice people first. Like Pottery Barn, Cheryl from Pottery Barn is a sweetheart. She made a payment plan for me and never once threatened me with Collections. Filene's however can suck it, their collections department is the rudest bunch!
So, bill collectors be warned. I am not big jerk who WANTS to default on their credit card payments- I am a worn out, hard worker who made a few bad decisions and HAS NO MONEY! And when I do I will pay you, but until then STOP CALLING ME!
I am not a scumbag, I just don't have any money. Your threats of collection agencies do not scare me; I have been there before. I know I am in over my head, and I would love to pay you. I would also love to buy new jeans, but that is another story for another time. I don't understand how you can charge me $29 a month for being late and another $29 for being over limit and expect me to catch up. You should be ashamed of yourself. I hope you realize that if I had it, I would give it to you.
If you look at my debt to income ratio, it is so small. I owe less money than you think. But if you factor in the fact that I took a $10,000 pay cut to take a SHITTY job to "grow up" and "experience the real world" and basically made NO money in the last 6 months, then you can see why I am hurting... But, like I wanted I did grow up (in the sense that I am going gray; yes - I found another one this week, that is 6 since Sunday... it's only TUESDAY, people!) and I am experiencing the real world - and guess what? Being a grown up in the real world is only cool if you have MONEY!
I am so broke, it hurts. Like seriously, it hurts to look at the zero balance in my savings account and know that not even 2 months ago there was money in there. Why, oh why; please tell me WHY, did I ever think that I could take a pay cut over the summer after buying a brand new car? I swear, I wasn't on drugs. Don't touch 'em. Never will.
Now I feel like I need a prozac. For 16 months I had not one bounced check, not one late payment and now?? Now I feel like my checking account is sponsored by RubberMaid and I am later than a pregnant woman's period. It's infuriating, it's annoying and it's really embarrassing!!!
But, you know; it happens. To the best of us. I have the best intentions. I want to pay you. But if you call me and threaten me with collections ONE MORE TIME, I might go postal. Seriously. How do you people sleep at night?!
Luckily, I get my first commission check in January (just far enough away that I am officially not doing anything for Christmas; sorry kiddos) and I will be able to get some things current. And I promise that I will pay the nice people first. Like Pottery Barn, Cheryl from Pottery Barn is a sweetheart. She made a payment plan for me and never once threatened me with Collections. Filene's however can suck it, their collections department is the rudest bunch!
So, bill collectors be warned. I am not big jerk who WANTS to default on their credit card payments- I am a worn out, hard worker who made a few bad decisions and HAS NO MONEY! And when I do I will pay you, but until then STOP CALLING ME!
At 5:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Seriously, Jesus Christ, don't get me started! If I had the money I would friggen send it to you, now I will never have the money because of all the ridiculous late fee's etc. The system is screwed up! "Screw the poor" is what it is.
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