Update: Proof She Tries!!!

OK, so I didn't think that I actually was able to take this photo - I thought that since the batteries died mid shot that I wouldn't actually have it. Well, low and behold - I out recharged the batteries and there is was today: a picture of Katie working on the roasted butternut squash we had for Thanksgiving II: The Major Letdown, the Sunday after Thanksgiving.
Why, do you ask would we have a 2nd Thanksgiving? And why would I call it "The Major Letdown"? Don't go immeadiately thinking it was the food. Come on, I can cook.
Well. to put it mildly - Rich had to work a double on Thanksgiving patrolling Beth Israel Deconess Medical Center and didn't get a real Thanksgiving (although the hospital did give him 2 free turkey dinners in the cafe; one for each shift he worked - not that hospital turkey counts). So, since Gerard and Janine had given me a 14 pound fresh turkey (never frozen) the night before Thanksgiving as a "thank you" for working with them, I decided to recreate Thanksgiving for him at our house with my family and some friends. Well, to keep this mild, basically I cooked ALL DAY and he came home in a crappy pants mood and ate dinner in the living room watching football and I entertained my family and friends (Katie, Bridget and Scott came to help celebrate) and it made me upset and it made things akward and it was sort of a major bummer since all I wanted to do was have a nice Thanksgiving dinner. (The leftovers of which are in the turkey soup I mentioned in my first post).
For all of you who want to know if my realtionship is ok, yes - it has since been discussed (loudly in my case) and it better not happen again! In fairness to Rich though - he came home to 8 people in the house that he didn't know were coming over.... So, I have to work on that.... :)
So anyways, there is the proof people; Katie can peel squash AND order take out. She is going to be a mini Martha yet! (Or if all else fails she will have me, or the money to hire a live in personal chef... now that would be cool!!)
At 12:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 12:28 PM,
Maggie said…
I don't understand why you are laughing.... you should be pleased. My first blog was about you and now my first photo post is about you, too.... OK, maybe you should be scared!!
At 1:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think you stalk me. You not only blog about me, but you blog about how appealing it is to date me. Its okay though. I kind of like it.
At 8:07 PM,
Mo said…
I'm a little freaked out by this new infatuation Mags has with "dating Katie." Honey, it's fine if you have a girl crush on Katie...you just have to let Rich know...I think you should be honest with him. But be who you gotta be...we'll still love you!! Not like that though!! HAHA
At 7:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
slacker, its been 3 days and no post, very disapointing.
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