Be As You Are

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Blogging Escapes Me....

Sorry guys,

I know I am a shitty blogger. I am just literally the only person IN THE WORLD who doesn't work near a computer!!! :) I know most of "my readers" are moms and teachers and people who also don't work using computers and yet can still blog, but I thought I would use that as an excuse... so please allow me to wallow in the pity of not being able to slack off at work (not that I am suggesting that is what my fellow blogging friends do)....

Anyways, things have been busy - a Bridal Shower for my friend Elizabeth, a baby shower for my cousin Janet, another baby shower for my friend Claire.... I already got a thank you note from Elizabeth... hun, you are making us all look bad!!! :)

Today I had two moles removed. It's becoming my thing these "cancer scares". I am almost not worried. I had the mole on my temple removed and one on my arm. I went to a "froofy" plastic surgeon on Commonwealth Ave. Talk about a fish out of water. I think I was the only woman there with my own boobs and all my god given fat. Oh well. He did a good job (that I can tell). The true test is when the stitches dissolve and I find out about the scars.... Which hopefully I won't have. Not that I really care, I am so not vain - but, I mean... it is my face, you know?

Anyways, enough about the boringness that is my so called life. This weekend I get to see Maureen. :) Happy days are this weekend! :)

Peace out, I have to go see who gets eliminated on American Idol.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

A Letter to the Class of 1999

This weekend, this week for that matter; was the worst one I have ever had in my life. And that is the sentiment I heard over and over - no matter how close each of us was or wasn't with Imette St. Guillen - this weekend, this week; reminded each of us that life is too short, too precious, and all too fragile.

But to the Boston Latin Class of 1999 I say this:

It was good to be comforted by so many of you - whether it was at the Wake, or taking a shot in Imette's memory at Doyle's, crying together in the bathroom when we didn't think anyone would see or holding hands while her mother and sister spoke at the Memorial.

Please remember that life is not measured by material things. No one will remember you for the car you drive, or the degree you received. People will remember you for being genuine, caring, and warm. I felt that from so many of you this weekend. So many faces, stained with tears; mirrored my own. But we stayed strong for each other as long as we could, and when we couldn't bear it any more we held each other closely.

So many of us felt bad about not keeping in touch. It's so sad and unfortunate that only in death we come together. I only hope that we can stay together. It's amazing how close a class we were, and still are. I am here for each and every one of you in any way that I can be in this time of heartache.

Imette will never be too far - she'll be in our hearts and thoughts forever.

Keep in touch, I mean it.....

Imette St. Guillen touched us all - whatever the degree - and no one can take that away.